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Mini NOS Turbo Nitrogen Bottle Keychain Perfect Diecast

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Mini NOS Keychain

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Rolls-Royce RR Cullinan - Perfect Diecast

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Experience Luxury and Prestige with the Rolls-Royce Collection.

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Mercedes-Benz AMG ONE ( Limited to 1 pieces ) - Perfect Diecast

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Maserati MC20 - Perfect Diecast

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  • Jason: ★ ★★ ★☆

    Arrived on time just expected it to be bigger

  • Marcus Timothy: ★★★★★

    This thing is SICKKK!

  • Ahabid Ahol: ★★★★☆

    Love it high quality, shipped to dubai in 5 days 😎

    would buy again



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2212 NW 91st Street # 1003
Miami, Floride 33147
Téléphone : +1 (786)-865-9472

Shipping Rates

Last updated February 11, 2024
This Shipping & Delivery Policy is part of our Terms of Service ("Terms") and should be therefore read alongside our main Terms: https://perfectdiecast.com/policies/terms-of-service.
Please carefully review our Shipping & Delivery Policy when purchasing our products. This policy will apply to any order you place with us.
We offer various shipping options. In some cases a third-party supplier may be managing our inventory and will be responsible for shipping your products.
Shipping Fees
We offer shipping at the following rates:
USA Economy
5 to 8 business days
USA Standard Shipping
4 to 6 business days
Economy International
6 to 18 business days
Standard International
6 to 12 business days
Express International
1 to 5 business days
0 10 50
All times and dates given for delivery of the products are given in good faith but are estimates only.
For EU and UK consumers: This does not affect your statutory rights. Unless specifically noted, estimated delivery times reflect the earliest available delivery, and  deliveries will be made within 30 days after the day we accept your order. For more information please refer to our Terms.
We offer worldwide shipping. Free shipping is not valid on international orders.
Please note, we may be subject to various rules and restrictions in relation to some international deliveries and you may be subject to additional taxes and duties over which we have no control. If such cases apply, you are responsible for complying with the laws applicable to the country where you live and will be responsible for any such additional costs or taxes.
If delivery is delayed for any reason we will let you know as soon as possible and will advise you of a revised estimated date for delivery.
For EU and UK consumers: This does not affect your statutory rights. For more information please refer to our Terms.
If you have questions about returns, please review our Return Policy: https://perfectdiecast.com/policies/refund-policy.
If you have any further questions or comments, you may contact us by:
This shipping policy was created using Termly's Shipping Policy Generator.


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